Subs and Payment Information


Subs pay for the experiences that scouting provides, We have to pay for membership fees to the scouts association, hall hire fees, heating bills, and resources for the activities we run. The subs are also used for heavy subsidies for trips out and camps. Subs are due on the 15th of every month and are paid through OSM. Since these payments are due every month, subs are also due each month including during the holidays. 

Our subs are:

For example if your have two children in the group, the oldest child will be £11 per month, then the youngest will be £7 per month, totalling £18 for both children per month. 

No child should ever miss out on activities due to financial problems and there is help available should you wish for it. Please speak to us should you wish to access this help; either speak to a leader either at the relevant section or by email; or if you would rather not speak to a leader then you can email our Group Scout Leader, Allison, at

All conversations are confidential. 

For more information on how to pay subs through OSM click below for a guide to Online Scout Manager.